Agilent GCMSD 7820A/5977B
mBraun Labmaster 130 glovebox
Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS10 FTIR
ATR: Smart iTX (diamond, Ge), DRIFT: PIKE Easy Drift
Büchi Sepacore flash chromatography system X50.
Shimadzu HPLC, analytical and semi-preparative, normal phase, reverse phase and GPC.
Thermo Scientific Evolution 201 UV-VIS Spectrometer.
Inert Solvent Purification System (SPS)
Access to the departmental NMR facility (Bruker AMX 300, Avance 500 and Avance III 600). X-ray, ESR, and low- and high-resolution mass spectrometric measurements are also taken in the central labs of the Department.